The Fairy Boy Adventures - Part 1

Part 1 - Bump on the Head Hi everyone, this is a small story about some fairy boys. Their what some of you may call a “real” male fairy. Now that you stop laughing, I’ll go on… The main one is Puck. To get to know them, I’ll start with a quick description of them. They have a heavy-duty dark tan, a leaf jock tights or shorts, that when they pull it open and look in, they see their super white skin underneath. Most have a head of long flowing hair, hanging down in their eyes, also heavy well built-abs & pecks. They get that from flying with their wings. They have a kind of cute see-through set of wings on their back. Puck woke up the other day floating down a small stream in a nutshell. The main problem was he couldn’t remember how he got there, where he was or why he was there. The second problem was the big bump on his head. He decided to check the rest of himself over. After leaning forward he could see through his wings and they were ok too. The rest of...