
Showing posts from October, 2017

My Locker Room Friend - Part 1

  Part 1 – Try out the Gym     Josh and myself where just sitting around one day, when he asked me about the best ways to “work-out”. Also, how do I get my abs that way and my chest and biceps. Then he told me; “I sometimes use my dad’s weights he’s got in the basement but, it ain’t much fun though”. I told him I sometimes work-out at a gym that my brother has a membership with. “Do you think we could both get in there”? He asked, with a big smile. I just said; “Let’s find out” That really started me thinking… going to a gym with Josh . Mm?   Later that day we went over there and showed them my brothers pass and I said; “This is a friend, he’d like to see the place” The girl at the door just said; “Sure, one or two guests are always welcome!” We then headed to the locker room, changed our clothes and headed over to weight room. It made me smile just watching Josh’s eyes wander all over as we walked along. Then we started working out in the weight room, then tr...

My Locker Room Friend - Part 2

  Part 2 - Just a Free Hair Cut?     As I told you guys before, I’m just a 20-year-old guy, living in a little old house, that I rent from a family member. It’s out in a country or suburb area. I mainly stay there just to take care of the place and for somewhere to live. This also gives me my privacy and well… some friends of mine, they take advantage of that privacy !      The other day a good buddy of mine (Josh) showed up in the evening and said that he’s kind of short-on cash and said he knows I have a hair trimmer kit. Can I please give him a free hair-cut for the part-time job interview he had the next day? “I’ll pay you back Jon, somehow!”   He’s kind of like me, works some of the time and attends school the rest of the time. (When he can keep his job) 😉 He’s also been in few of my other stories, he’s easy to write about because of the adventures he gets us into, his good looks, but mainly his energy ! I think he’s hooked on Mtn. de...

My Locker Room Friend - Part 3

  Part 3 – His New Job     Josh has been a good friend of mine for some time now. I believe he likes hanging out with me, do to we both attend the same school and both work part-time. I take that back… I work part time. Josh, doesn’t seem to ever be able to hold a fucking job, out of his few tries at it. I think he only worked five days max, before being “Let go!” He is a super fun dude though, always sort of wild and a “Let’s just do it” kind of guy. The only bad part is I’m the only one that has any money and he never has any!     Then a few weeks ago, Josh asked me to cut his hair for a job interview (In my part 2) and yes, he did get that job he wanted! And yes , (Believe it or not!) he still has it! It’s at a nice gas station down the road from me. I always go there because some of the people in there are fun to talk too. I often talk to a blond older chick at the check-out and I even told her about Josh applying for the job. They are rebuilding the...