The Cute Painter - Part 1
1 – Hard not to Watch Him
First about where I
live, (You may have read about it in my other stories) it’s just a small-little
house in an old country suburb area. Kind of an old beat-up house that I pay “a
little” in rent for but, mainly just take care of it for someone in my family. I
do love it though. Just few homes around and quiet.
I was out of school
for the summer and had an evening part-time job. The older couple from across
the street asked about, maybe me painting there trim, around windows and stuff.
I said no and that I didn’t know much about paint and that stuff. They said
they had found someone but, their kind of expensive. I mainly didn’t want to,
do-to the super-hot August.
Later that week, I looked
over and I see ladders, paint cans and stuff laying in their front yard. A
little black car and a truck with ladders on it, in the driveway. Then I see
two guys walking around the house looking up at it. A really good looking young
guy (perhaps the worker) and an older heavy-set guy (the boss) talking. The younger
guy only had on his shoes, a pair odd short-shorts and nothing else. (He tells
me later why) the boss guy had jeans and shirt with paint stains.
I looked again later
and saw the boss guy driving away. The younger guy then started to work on the
windows. I must admit, I stood around in my front yard awhile, just to look at
that guy. He was super skinny, tall and had a sexy tan all over. Sometimes he even
had the legs rolled up on his shorts,
maybe because it was so hot out,
mid-90’s. He would scrape some old paint off, climb down the ladder, look at
it, drink something, climb back up and scrape more. His boss would just stop in
now & then to check on him.
The next day, I saw
he was still working on the front windows. After seeing his tan, I decided to
work some on my own, it was looking pretty good, from me out running. Also, it was
way I can keep an eye on that cute guy too. I put on my swimsuit and laid out
in my front yard. I’d look over at him now and then. Not too much or I may get
a hard-on. (You know) 😉
Later, I was still hanging-out
in my front yard and I hear a car drive up. I looked up and there he was, stopped in front of my house.
“Is there a Cousins sub shop around here?” He asked.
He sort-of spooked me
at first, I sat up and said;
“Ya, there’s one down
by the freeway”
I then got up, walked
over to his car and told him how to get there. Him just looking up at me and smiling,
wow! A dam cute face, sunglasses on, hat
on backwards, no shirt and all sweaty!
“Do you want me to
call your order in, it’s faster?” I asked.
He said; “Sure, I’m Aaron, just
a half Club Sub, you want something?”
I just said; “No
thanks, maybe see you later”
Then he drove off. After
I called it in, I came back out and laid in the sun again. Just thinking how he
was all sweaty from working and I was all sweaty being out in the sun. It was
getting me kind of hard and horny, maybe I best put my shorts back on. I went
in, came back out in a few minutes and there he was again.
“Mind if eat over
here?” He asked, “No one to talk to over there”
I just said; “Sure!”
We both just sat there for a time
bull-shitting. He was fun to talk to. (or maybe just listen to) That’s when
his boss drove up. He went over to talk to him, turned to me and said;
“Maybe see you later Jon”
I just waved and headed back to the house.
Around 4:00 or so, the doorbell rings. I looked
out and there’s Aaron standing there, still no
shirt, all sweaty, hat on backwards and a
big smile. I opened the door and he said;
“Let’s get another sub, I’ll buy!”
I smiled and just said; “Let’s go!”
We both jumped in his little black car and
head out. He again talks and talks, as we go along. As he drives with his left
hand on the wheel, he put his right hand in
mine on the armrest between the seats. He then squeezes my hand and said;
“Jon did you hear me?”
I said; “What?”
(I was too busy thinking about us holding
hands) He then said;
“I ask if you’d like to hang-out together
more. We are the same age and like the same stuff.”
He then squeezed my hand again and smiled at
me. I just smiled back.
We got our subs and headed back to my house.
When we got there, he asked if he could park around back, in case his boss
comes back. I just said sure and we went inside. We started to unwrap the subs
and I said;
“Maybe we should get washed up first, you
We were all sweaty and that’s when Aaron just looks into my eyes and said;
“Ya, let’s take a shower”
Fuck, is he thinking what I’m thinking?
We then both toss our subs in the frig. He
giggles some, as we both headed for
the bathroom and he then puts his arm on my shoulder. (I knew then, he was thinking about same thing I was) The
odd part about that time was, he stopped
talking and would just giggle now and
then! Such a talkative boy too. Mm?
I do have a nice new shower in that old house
(cheaper than a new tub) I turned on the warm water as we got undressed. Then
we just stopped… both standing there, looking at one another, both nude, bright
white around the waist and feet. I just said;
“You’re a fuck’en sexy look’en dude!”
He winks at me, then leans over tugs a little
at my half-hard cock, giggles and slides shower door open. We get in and I
slide the door back closed. I then unhooked the shower head and sprayed us
down. Aaron then grabs my shampoo bottle, he squirts
some out, puts some in his hair and some in mine. He then steps around back of
me and starts to work the shampoo into my shaggy hair. With both of his hands
in my hair, I could feel his half-hard cock rubbing on my butt cheeks. Me feeling
that, I was not half-hard anymore!
As he soaped up my hair, I soaped up my pits and around my hard cock. Then he started
on his own hair, so I turned around, rinsed my hair and then started working on
his pits, chest and tight abs. He
then tilted his head back, rinsed his hair as I started licking his hard
nipples. As we did this, our two cocks would rub together.
After he had rinsed
his hair out, he got down on his knees and started to work on my cock. First
licking the sides and the tip, then he just took it all in, sucking in and out
faster and faster! With me being so dammed horny, it didn’t take me long to
lose it. One of the best parts is, when I started to lose it, he’d suck some of
my cum down, then pulled my cock out and he spread the rest of it onto his own face.
With that cum all over, he looks up at me and just laughs! I just yelled out;
“Your just like some
porn star!”
We both laugh. He
then licked the tip of it for a few minutes. Boy, that felt good!!!
then did ask;
“Can I do you up the ass… please?”
I just said; “Soap it
up good”
I turned around, bent
over and he then gently soaped up my
ass-hole and then his cock. Slowly he started to drive it in. I just simply
As I felt it slowly going in and him adding more soap. To
some guys it feels painful, but by the way he went super slow, I sure liked it. Once all the way in, he started
pumping it in and out, slowly, then faster. I just said;
“Keep it going, keep
it going!”
And used the “F-word”
many times!
“Sorry Jon, I’m
losing it!” he said.
He then pumped some in me and then pulled it out, jacked-off
and spread the rest of his cum on my ass. With me bent over (holding shower
handle) he got on his knees and
licked the cum off my ass, still giggling! I do like the taste of cum too but,
he must love it!
We then finished
getting washed up, kissing and necking the hole time. That night, we decided he should sleep-over, both of us on my
queen-sized bed and it still was hot out! We needed no covers and both of us just
lying there, totally nude! I was half-hard all night, then we fixed that the
next morning! 😉
The End
Let me
know if you like my stories…
Jon First written
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